Diesel TipsFunny Diesel
Thanks to Thoroughbred Diesel for putting together this entertaining series of Diesel Tip Memes. Be sure to check our other blog posts for more Diesel Tips, currently there are over 190 Diesel Tips.
Diesel Tip 71 Buying a diesel truck doesn’t make you country or redneck. It just makes you a diesel owner.
Diesel Tip 72 Everyone in the truck should know the drill… When mama calls shut the heck up and turn down the radio.
Diesel Tip 73- Don’t judge a truck by its paint job. Think about the first time you ate a pink starburst…Exactly!
Diesel Tip 74 Work hard all week. Party even harder on the weekend.
Diesel Tip 75- The radio can be the best pick up tool in your truck. Never underestimate the power of music.
Diesel Tip 76 If she only ever calls you for a ride she is into your diesel….not you.
Diesel Tip 77 Any bad day can be fixed by driving on a country road with the windows down.
Diesel Tip 78 If you can’t afford a diesel don’t buy it. If you already bought one don’t complain about being broke.
Diesel Tip 79- No one remembers the person that came in 2nd place.

80 Diesel Tips Funny Diesel Truck Meme DieselTees.com
Diesel Tip 80- Make friends at diesel events. Different trucks have different groupies.
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